Howling and Flapping

After flapping around in morbid fascination followed by abject terror over our country's response to the virus, I've grounded in the farm.

The chickens are settled into their new home, the automatic door is almost working, the feeders and waterers are getting built and set up and the protective roof of bird netting is sewn into place.

Trees are grafted, seedlings are sown, compost is stewing, raised beds being built, lamb was born, studio getting cleaned out from chick and building mess and hopefully returned to a sanctuary of sunny peace for exercise and relaxation.

Several days ago we stepped outside at 8:00 pm and started howling as is the pandemic tradition from Europe, then NYC, and it felt good. Emailed a few neighbors and the next night there were two households, then about five and last night the whole valley howled together, which was acknowledged shortly thereafter by the brilliant super moon. What a spectacle!

Howling in gratitude for health care providers easily expands to expressing vigorous gratitude in general and is a wonderful tension release at the end of a day. Highly recommended and very neighborhood connecting in these times of physical distancing.
