Not Knowing - December 28, 2011

It's nearly a wrap on this tumultuous year of weather, unrest, and do I detect real human change upwelling? I mean fundamental palpable evolution of our species, our consciousness, or am I seeing it through a hopeful lens?

I notice in myself less interest in the material stuff of day to day life, the collecting of, managing of, and use of this stuff, and more interest in the processes of nature, the ebb and flow and change all around, inside and out. Always a searcher and learner, I'm finally leaning toward more interest and acceptance in "not knowing" than trying to "know something". Still interested in development, learning, growing, just not arriving at knowing.

Each generation thinks it is special, living in special times and conditions, and maybe that's the point - it is all so very amazing, this planet, solar system, galaxy .... universe. We humans seem to exist at about the middle size scale between the quantum particles and the expansive universe, giving us such interesting perspective. And all that we are learning about these conditions and experiencing in our lives gives me pause at the great gift of living in this dynamic age and dynamic universe.
