Allowing - February 14, 2012

I've noticed that when I allow everything that is happening, inside of me and outside, to just be exactly as it is, there is a great relief of sinking into the soft support of nowing. No pressure, no stress, just ease of delicious being.

On this day of celebrating love, and what could be better than that, what a gift to dip into the ever present love of what is, everything, everywhere, vast beyond measure, radiant, peaceful, quietly joyous. And knowing that this love state is the natural underpinning of the more commonly experienced fear state, I realize that this is my choice in every moment. 

Love is already always here waiting to be exposed and experienced.


Mystic Musician said…
Beautiful, Rebecca - I feel that what you say is so true! It's a lovely reminder to all of us.
Rebecca said…
Hi Liz,
It's as true as you!