The Little Meaning Maker - February 6, 2012

Following in the vein of the last post, I notice that she who sits on the cushion loves to make meaning ... of everything. She then offers it up in the form of sensations, perceptions, ideas, plans, emotions, thoughts, feelings to that which experiences. And guess what? They are received, all equally appreciated, experienced, examined, held, and not evaluated. No value added. No meaning made, only pure experience, which is vastly bigger, airier, more subtle, tender, gracious and accepting than the small experience of the sitter. 

Following the sitting experience she practiced some Qi Gong facial exercises and noticed a completely new quality of the experience, as if the hands were feeling a different body, feeling the experience of skin, hair, face, from the outside, perceiving it from the opposite side of the experience from usual. Pure appreciation of experience, all good, with no meaning added. 

Like the patterns of the clouds: intriguing, ornate, captivating, subtle, devoid of meaning, and completely sufficient and satisfying.
