Why Paint? - June 8, 2012

Something is compelling me to write this at a moment when I've been painting less, though doing lots of Soul Collage and perhaps it's because I find that the painting state of mind exists frequently without any painting gear in hand.

I believe that there is a creative flow that wants to be expressed and that comes through the body, more successful when least manipulated by the analytical brain. Although there is much in that part of the brain that contributes to the effort by way learning technique and formal structure, which is useful though not front and center during the creative process.

This creative flow is not limited to what most of us perceive as creativity but I notice it in the way we compose our day, how we take care of one another, choose our garden arrangement, set a table, and on and on. I've also noticed that when this flow is given free rein, uninhibited by the more efficient other parts, that things seems to fall into place gracefully, without effort, that less important extraneous details disappear, leaving an open path to surprise and even delight.

Not to make light of the great efforts involved in great works of art, yet there seems to be an everyday natural way that life wants to move, like wind in the trees, blood in our veins, birdsong. I feel most satisfied when I can get out of the way and let this energy flow through how it wants to.

Joan's House - iPad art
