Flexible Fringing - September 12, 2015

New chapter, actually an Interlude is posted in the blook. Somehow when The Way of Collage was conceived it wanted to be online and I'm more and more appreciating why. The flexibility is delicious. We took a turn this full moon and included a video which may become part of a serious on creativity in the second half of life - Leap, Play .... Love. It was a spontaneous event in Joan's studio during our afternoon conversation which is always alive with potential.

The blook is a fringe idea and yet I believe in it wholeheartedly and trust that the idea will gradually become more accepted as it seems like the obvious progression from book, to e-book, to online blook. I like edges and fringes, am at home there, yet I know that it is not a popular place to inhabit so I am practicing patience while awaiting a time when this fringe becomes increasingly normalized.

Acrylic Collage
