Of Pods and Peas

We are gathered for our family holiday celebration, mostly of food, laughter, and games, but first it was haircut time and Sarah saw us from the back, me cutting Noah's hair, and was struck by the similar morning messy coif's of mother and son.

Sigh... it's the small things that connect us, make us laugh, and share silly moments.

Then today, this morning's contemplation takes me to a place of deep peace and love, of tender flowing acceptance not only for a son who's choices I don't understand at more superficial levels but for others I also don't understand or appreciate.

I am feeling the compassion of essence, that which knows that the heart of all beings are made of this abiding peaceful loving kindness and sees it in each other.


caroline said…
I like this photo a lot.....and appreciate the inteerfaces w have with our kids, whatever they may be... For mine it used to be sewing. I would pull out my sewing machine and Max and I would mend his clothes together, fixing the rips, broken zippers, holes and seams of clothes he still loved to wear....I would get him to do the sewing and for a while he would sit there... until he had enough....But like cutting hair, it was a physical bond and process we shared together..
Rebecca said…
Caroline, I love this connection with Max. There is something about sons that wordless communication is maybe the deeper way to connect. What a lovely image you paint.