Looking at Our Future - December 15, 2012

May this time go down as a turning in our coming of age as community, in recognizing that we are all of it, not rejecting anything. We are equally the innocent children, the courageous teachers and principal, the grieving parents and community members, and the desperate shooter of Newtown, CT.

We live in bodies often more capable than the maturity of the mind that directs our hands.

My Prayer 

May I stop looking away from what my heart tells me is true.

May I slow down and question my assumptions. 
May I not believe my reactive moralizing.  

May I listen deeply and carefully for the true intention, beneath the words I hear.

May I look inside, over and over, to discern the wisdom that is available to all, 

.....and may I unflinchingly let that wisdom guide my action.

Yours in deep grief and hope.

Looking at Our Future - a boy in Kolkata
