What if ...... December 10, 2012

Hanging out with passionate, skilled young adults who struggle to find meaningful work, I notice that there's wealth concentrated among a small percentage of people and then there's need out in the world for human services and environmental preservation and yet there is a huge mismatch of the two.

Instead the wealth is spent on ever more stuff and experiences by those with excess, further degrading the environment, and the needs part of the equation goes unmet in spite of the fact that we are training and educating inspired young people who want nothing more than to give their gifts ..... and manage to eat and have a roof over their heads.

What if we questioned our assumptions of what it means to have excess resources and looked at connecting the two sides of this equation, such that while the corporate, non-profit, and governmental programs struggle to make limited ends meet the needs, some of us would instead directly support a young adult with a living wage to use their skills in the world through legitimate volunteer work?

It would create a giving circle. Sponsors give to volunteers who give to those in need (people and planet). Everyone wins, and less spent on stuff.

Yes, yes, I know, screams of "wealth redistribution", to which I say a weary, "yes, indeed" and how good can that be? It's all voluntary  no pressure to participate. You get to choose if, how, and who you might support, doing work that you care about.

