My Turn - April 10, 2015

The old saw among scullers is that there are two types, those who've fallen in and those who will and today I shifted to the former camp after a surprise tumble into the bay. Following multiple tries to right and stay balanced in the boat while trying to realign oars, I finally knocked the rolling seat into the water and gave into the cold and fatigue and hoisting my body one last time, just lay atop the overturned shell while my friend (thank you Nancy!) called the coast guard for a lift back. I tried paddling with hands but was no match for the outgoing tide and was simply heading back fast toward the mouth of the bay. It was a long cold 10 minutes followed by two of the kindest gentlemen in a worthy craft who delivered me and my boat safely back to the dock.

Funny how a moment like this shifts perspective and realigns expectations. I find myself quiet, grateful, unhurried, humbled, and respectful of my fragility.

Only me beside you - Sondheim

Acrylic Music Collage
