Balance Schmalance - June 16, 2015

Contemplating the concept of balance, so prescribed by health and spiritual advisers, it seems a good time to question the whole notion. Balance as stasis, timid, bland, unmoving, is this desirable? Not for me. As I danced the other day, my body was aching from various new activities particularly in the area between my shoulder blades, which wanted to be stretched, moved, released and lead the dance. That is a challenging place from which to lead and created interesting dynamics, underlying all of it was a feeling of dancing on the edge of balance, close to collapse and fall, leaning into instability. It was a joyful, unstable exploration, and luckily I gave not a fig what it looks like so was free to play. I've heard of a book called On Balance, that questions our acceptance of balance as somehow noble, and I feel it calling.

Acrylic Collage
