Gender Blending - February 14, 2017

What a surprise to write this on Valentine's day, after returning from tango heaven in Portland where women danced with women, men with men, as well as the traditional lead follow relationship. And with the frustration of too many followers, I return home with the desire to learn to lead as well as to keep learning to follow at ever deepening levels.

In this tumultuous time of the masculine run amok in politics and the sense of the feminine rising as its foil, the possibilities of mixing it up in dance is enlivening, a sort of metaphor for the times. Women taking charge of their destinies by dancing with women and men taking their masculine energy to the dance floor in energetic dance exchange leaves me breathless and feeling excited! It's delighting me that it has taken this dance metaphor for me to feel the gender broadening experience of the times in my bones. Ahhh......
