Wabi Sabi of Dorodango

Day 2 - it's darker than it appears
I need a very serious and extreme diet right now or I'm going to blow up! But instead of stopping with the news intake I have a morbid fascination that I can't resist and it is not good for my health.

So I've been turning to the Japanese art of dorodango, basically dirt balls, that is calming and magical as my back yard dirt turns into a gorgeous little globe by rubbing. It feels like a little planet being planed down by the base of my thumb to a lovely but imperfect smoothness just like the earth. Tiny impediments from early shaping can't be removed. I'm still on the first one but I'm thinking of selling this technique as blood pressure medicine.

Oh, and it's all blingy because I couldn't help adding some iridescent pigment to the top layers, and the camera just overdoes it according to the Samsung worldview.
