Knitted Knottiness

Miba is up, in situ, opening tomorrow, but for me she's already moving into the past. I feel her raison d'etre as unambiguously challenging me to have courage, live courageously, hold myself accountable, let go of the pathetic hopey changey thing and step into what calls.

The most recent iteration of this energy arrived on a PBS news show about the book Uninhabitable Earth which basically goes through the more than dire straits we are in right now and advises that the answer is political. Well that is not satisfying for me as marching in circles, voting, writing letters, and working on campaigns feels like it all belongs in the hopey changey bin.

So a poke around on the web led me to the new movement Extinction Rebellion which is direct action, yes to hold politicians accountable. but in much more aggressive and direct ways than voting and campaigning. I've signed up and will see if it's as good as it sounds... for me and species.


stauff said…
Rebecca, this is amazing!

Azaria just opened her Sokimo valentine from you yesterday, and loves it.
Rebecca said…
Hi Scott, great to see you here. Interesting how Miba seems to bear some relationship to Azaria. ;-)
Anonymous said…
Love her!! And YOU!