Making Friends

 Who is it that is it that is aware of my thoughts, feelings, sensations, perceptions, materiality? The source, the place I want to be, so seemingly easy, just relax and fall back, let go into the unending, timeless, placeless, infinite  now of all being, from which all of these things arise.  And rest there, just be.  Just Be. Just BE. That's it.

Bears in Bald Hills Lupin
Easy peasy, right? Well maybe so,  if I can somehow work my way around my internal Ms. Bossy Pants who keeps me on time, on task, doing good deeds, keeping up, cleaning up, taking care of business, caring for me and for whatever needs caring for to her way of thinking. My metronome, my calendar, my boss, my monitoring mother.

So in meditation this morning, I tried the usual cudgeling, cajoling to get her to move out of the way when it suddenly occurred to make friends with her, embrace her, invite her along on the adventure. After all she's like my Siamese twin and it's hard to do much without her.

I can't claim full on nirvana but certainly more than the usual letting go into depth and a momentarily at least peace and gratitude.

Now I will work on seeing if she will share the microphone.  
