Dog Fairy - June 18, 2011

I haven’t had a dog of my own since our one and only family dog, Mitzi. I love to walk and am happy to do so in canine company. Since a neighbor has been going through cancer treatment,  I’ve taken on walking her lab,  Porcini when I can.  Today when I arrived Porcini was asleep by the gate and when I awoke her with the latch noise, I think she thought she was still dreaming. Her doggy bliss was uncontainable and it was all that I could do to collar and leash her for the trek. We are  good  for each other, she quiet in her dog explorations and me, a happy introvert. Neither in need of conversation, we are fine companions. The roadside attractions were particularly enticing for her today and I wish I could understand her ecstasy, but she also doesn’t know how the greens are lighting me up.

The day started with a feeling of summer and by afternoon the fog had rolled in. I’ve learned, though, that the color is very rich in such weather. Without white reflections and harsh shadows, one can really see the nuances of greens and the more one looks, the saturated colors fill the color appetite.
