Dance Trance - May 12, 2012

Having just finished Gabrielle Roth's, Sweat Your Prayers book and enjoying her 5 rhythms ecstatic dance, I decided to depict the rhythms in the form of iPad Art Studio pieces, named for the rhythms.

Here is a quote from the section on "Waves", the movement through all of the rhythms:

"I love waves; I wish I had some in my hair. My daddy did, but I guess I didn't dive into that end of the gene pool. Virginia Woolf wrote my favorite book, The Waves, and I have a son who surfs them. I danced a thousand dances to Patti Smith's song "Wave" and I've waved a thousand good-byes. I've seen waves come and take my house, flood the same bedroom where they accompanied countless nights of lovemaking. I have ridden the waves of labor,of sorrow, and of bliss." ....

"As a practice I know that however hard something is I can let it go in my dance and my dance will support me.. It keeps me loose and flexible. It liberates me from any fixed notions of how I think things should be. It keeps me fascinated, on my toes, open to change, alert, and intuitive."

It sounds and feels good to me.







ecstatic cafe said…
Inspirational dance may become trance dance but trance dance is always inspirational but not necessarily improvisational. However, improvisational dance can lead on to inspirational dance. Inspirational dance only happens when Mind, Body and Spirit are in perfect harmony.
Ecstatic Dance