More AGO - May 5, 2015

Still captured by the Art Gallery of Ontario, which is a demonstration of high standards of curating. I am no expert, but I've experienced many quality art museums ... and how the work is displayed makes a difference. The rooms here are thoughtfully presented so that only the art speaks, and directly, so that it is in good company and can relax in its place, breathing and doing its job. There is enough space to move and see from many directions. 

There is First Nations sculpture in the middle of a room full of contemporary outdoor scenes and it works beautifully. There is a wall covered in arrowheads, decoratively, unlabeled, not calling attention to itself, comfortable in this modern, architecturally alive setting. There is a room displayed with rows of paintings to the ceilings, uncluttered by labels, Paris Salon style.

Tom Thomson - Evening, Canoe Lake, 1915
