Life as Collage - January 11, 2012

I love creating collage art pieces and keep returning to that form, instinctively. It calls upon all that feels natural in my life:  working with what is available, right here, right now; adaptable to unlimited media, styles, possibilities; encouraging experimentation and play without endless planning; making use of bits and pieces of left over materials, including recycled projects; sparking new possibilities simply by exposing colors, textures, shapes, values, saturations to one another and seeing how they get on together - usually in ways I would never have imagined without the process of simply dropping pieces side by side or on top of one another.

Isn't this really what life is about? Making the most of what we have in this moment, not waiting for the perfect setting, color, drawing, composition to present itself, but simply noticing, interacting with, and playing with the pieces of life that present themselves, enjoying the conversations that arise and the surprise.

My first little collage, and still a favorite.
