Yes to Life - January 13, 2012

Each time I visit my Hospice companion, who at 88 is as full of life as anyone, in spite of a failing body, I receive nourishment for my soul in the form of new perspective from someone who seems to have a broad and deep view of what matters most.

She reminded me today to say "yes" to opportunity, don't wait and brood, but go for it, as she has done with helicopter and other adventures whenever invited. Emphasizing enjoyment, she chides me to not worry about things, "what good would that do?",  but make the most of each day.  She is rich in life if not in material goods and as the material world fades for her, she seems light, unburdened, a joy to be around. As her body fades, she glows from inside and her eyes shine. We had a long goodbye visual bonding which held me in that moment of stillness long past my departure.

It was also my daughter's 25th birthday today, a milestone to celebrate.


Mystic Musician said…
I love what you wrote on Friday and your friend's perspective. She must be such a special person! I also love the painting and the rich colours that you use.
Rebecca said…
Hello Mystic!
Yes, she is completely and totally special ... and she is as ordinary as the rest of us, and this is what feels so astounding about the experience, that it is accessible to everyone. This is where I find inspiration, hope, love.
Thank you!