Minding the Gap - July 14, 2013

Never quite 100% comfortable with either the objective, scientific, rational perspective, nor the subjective, interior, spiritual perspective, I think I've realized that I inhabit a sort of gap zone between the two, one foot partially in each, appreciating the gifts and challenges of each but at home in neither. It's with relief that I discover this and write about it as it explains so many discomforts I experience with each side taken on it's own terms.

This realization has arisen in listening to Terrence Deacon, Berkeley professor, speaking about his ideas largely from his book, Incomplete Nature: How Mind Emerged from Matter. I may have lots more to say about this after reading it, possibly including a name change of this blog. Evolution is a wasteful and messy process, whereas emergence and design are de riguer.

As subjective and objective perspectives move toward one another (hopefully in time for our species and so many others whose paths depend on our actions) it is with huge relief and excitement that I look forward to a shrinking of this gap and more fertile territory on which to perch, sing, dance, paint, connect,live, love and be from.

