Two Mirrors, One Mind - May 2, 2014

This quote comes from a Zen book I'm reading and is resonating with current experience.

I have just had the feeling of being deeply seen, in a new way. I entered a painting in a juried show and for the first time won an award. For days I sat with this trying to make meaning of it in the midst of thinking there must have been an error, yadda yadda yadda ... and then I received the judge's words expressing his reasoning for choosing this painting. I knew I was in the flow in making it and words and thoughts don't come as hands work, other than "yes, OK, hmmm, seriously?". And when I read what he saw I realized that not only did he "get it" but also translated it into artistic terminology that I never could have. A back and forth reflecting from the same source.

I am vibrating with the sense of being seen though we've never crossed paths. It is a purely delicious feeling and brings so clearly into focus how communicating through art is a two way exchange and what a treasure when there is this synchronous connection and the reflection back is so clear, true, and adds to the creative experience.

Encaustic collage
