Conditions - March 7, 2016

Luck running out? Time to go home? Conditions are changing ... weather mostly. Yesterday, flight to Milford Sound cancelled due to weather so I stayed in Wanaka, sunny and "fine" as they say here, until I was nearly blown off the mountain top by gale force winds. One more use for poles - wind braces.

Lake Wanaka

Then today at Aoraki/Mt. Cook it poured for my hike along the valley floor to a glacial lake with ice bergs! My phone was sopping by that point and refused to take a picture - you have to trust me. Just as in the Tongiriro Crossing at the highest most colorful point ... I could see nothing on the screen and it recorded no photos. Is my phone in collusion with conditions? Wanting to go home? Who knows? Just glad to be warm, clean, and dry in a hostel. 

Aoraki/Mt. Cook
