
The moment we've been waiting for is almost here and there's even more excitement than for Warriors game 4 of the finals which is also tonight. In two hours we attend the opening orgasmic organ concert of the Leipzig Bach Festival where the world's three top Bach conductors are gathered to show off their singers, bands, and brilliance through their interpretations of the Cantatas, about 16 per day through the weekend.

St. Pauli rebuilt as part of University

This is our Disneyworld, NBA finals game, Ritz Hotel, Mt. Everest … this is a peak moment for both of us. We took a warmup lap around the town, saw the venues with rehearsals going on, listened to the free festivities on the town square, filled our tummies and are about ready to rock and roll. Our entire trip was built around this event and we are like kids at a water park on a really hot day.

