
Today at a Lee Krasner retrospective at the Barbican I was impressed with her sensitive and glorious pinks at a time I don't think they were as appreciated as now, judging by the interest by both genders in these glorious abstract paintings. She is a force of nature.

Try as I might to photograph and capture the feeling I just can't get the depth and color that was so astounding, and neither can the Barbican or other photographers that I find in searching online. The photos kill the work. I am just posting the one that best captures the sensibility.

Internet photo
She endured a hella lot and did not begin to get her due while alive. She refused to be defined by a signature style but insisted on painting what medium and form was alive for her at a given time. Brava! I'm grateful to have experienced this show.

While looking at the art work, we missed the other pink happening in London, the annual naked bike ride which looks like good fun.
