Life Embodied - April 7, 2012

Just when things can't seem to get better .... they do. A week ago I was dramatically introduced to new found body awareness that is resulting in delightful physical sensations that occur in response to connecting with people, nature, and my own physical self and core. 

Since then, demonstrations of dancing with life continue and I believe that I now know joy intimately, physically, emotionally, and totally embodied. The best part is .... it feels like the most natural thing in the world.

My Hospice patient passed a few days after this shift, but not before we had an extraordinary meeting of shared love and connection. Though I knew that nearing death can be a time of opening and transformation, this woman who was already translucent and shining with light, became radiant with gratitude and the sheer pleasure of being touched, massaged, and hugged. It was a joy to be with her, one that I didn't dare to think that I might experience in this work. I have the sense that we both showed up totally open hearted,  allowing connection of essence to essence. The next day she was non-responsive and this is when I said goodbyes and wishes for her journey. She died that night, and the following day I awoke feeling light hearted and at ease. I planted the garden named after her, including her strawberry patch.

The following day as I was driving passed a patch of brilliant green grass vibrating in the sunshine, I was overcome by the feeling of her beautiful presence - I wept in joy for this remarkable woman who so generously shared herself with me.

Encaustic Monotype


Mystic Musician said…
What a deeply moving post Rebecca. I love it that you and your friend experienced such a strong connection before she passed 'essence to essence'. This is such a deeply inspiring and compassionate sharing - thank you!
Rebecca said…
Yes, it was remarkable and amazing in every way. I continue to feel so enriched by knowing her and the feeling that I'm left with is joy. She was complete and ready to go to heaven, her words, and it was such a gift to be a part of her well wishing party.