Art and Death - February 18, 2015

 ... or the sublime and the ridiculous. Either way, Tassie has it all in extremes. As I took the crazy boat to the multi-sensory MONA (Museum of Old and New Art - an absolute must see and one of a kind) I finished the book by Richard Flanagan - Death of a River Guide. He's a Tasmanian author who won the Booker in 2014 and after reading two of his books while I was here, also Wanting - I not  only have a sense of the place and its dark history but also an extremely high regard for the artistry of Flanagan. Wow, what a book, unique and deeply moving.

And then there's that museum. Fantastic! A fine art museum with a sense of humor. What a concept! (MOMA, take note.) Art like life includes all of it, and a lightness of being is a lovely thing. From the moment I disembarked and saw the trash cans I knew it was going to be a good day.

my reflective version of selfie at entrance wall to MONA
There was a huge retrospective of Gilbert and George who I'd never heard of - Brilliant! Here's a quote I relate to and one of countless works that are all composites and all include themselves. They don't go to art shows or belong to a particular school of art, they just live the art that presents.

quote from 1969

Contemporary work of Gilbert and George
