Our Mirror

For sometime now I have no longer been able to point my blaming finger at politicians, their supporters, CEO's, and the like. The hot air is gone from that balloon.

Breitbart photo
What is replacing this self righteousness is the disquieting mirror that all of those folks are providing me by way of pointing to the roots of our human predicament. We white people, our ancestors, no single one living person or group can carry the blame, but it's our culture, our heritage, our constitution, our financial system, that has disconnected us from life, from earth, from caring about our biologic roots and home.

Our commodifying, extractive pursuits in support of our individuality is what we were all born into and have held as normal and good.

And now its extremes are staring us in the face in these moments of fragile tenderness as we witness the unraveling. Living in this most extreme moment of consumption and degradation I feel the personal shame of my privilege and consumption and know that I cannot begin to repay the debt I owe to earth and other in my remaining time. I have no time to waste on blame or magical belief in political solutions. I only have time for connection with earth and other ... and tending to my fragile grief.
