The Sublime and the Outrageous - July 15, 2017

Bach Festival concluded in grand style and supreme artistry tonight with the not so Bach, Missa Solemnis of Beethoven and we are filled up with fine music.

This experience sits next to my intake of Tony Vigorito's book, Love and Other Pranks, which is wild and crazy, cynical and brutal, tender and hilarious, in other words the whole kit.

While exploring his website I came across an essay on Arguing Naked and love this quote prescient as it is;

To Argue Naked means to abandon all pretense at who we think we are or who we wish to be, to remember that we are nothing more than temporarily stable matrices of energetic probabilities lost in a terrifyingly infinite universe. Naturally, such gnosis is nowhere to be found in the language of our modern world – and least of all in the language of an argument. The promise of language becomes little more than a medium for deception as advertisers use language to con the self-esteem of consumers, as businessmen use language to swindle greater profits, as politicians use language to demagogue the masses, as siblings and spouses use language to disown their own shadows, as friends use language to compete for petty status, and even as so-called yogis weaponize a spiritual vocabulary in order to mask their second chakra motivations, and it’s all just another day in the lie – I mean, life.
