Anger is Sacred

A brief glance through recent posts reveals the importance of anger in my life at this time, a rage is coursing through me that I feel as a rising fierce feminine force. I receive plenty of feedback from dear friends expressing concern, serious silence in the face of it, chiding, fear, discomfort, and it leaves me in a state of confusion. I must be wrong!... yells that internal shaming voice in the head.

Philip Shepherd
No matter, the anger does not listen, it does not abate, it's voice is stronger, it is a hurricane to the greek chorus and I do not have a choice.

I feel disconnection all around, people from one another, people from the bioshpere, government from people, politicians from their sacred duty, intellect from body, and I long for a reconnection through whole intelligence, grounded sensitivity, as Philip Shepherd describes in his brilliant work.

I was fortunate to be on a zoom conference call with him today and to be able to ask about this anger that feels impersonal and he replied with his warmth and wholeness, "anger is sacred" and added more about it being a compelling, activating energy, and I am feeling waves of gratitude passing through all of me for being felt and validated.


Unknown said…
When we have the key of awareness, we can unlock the door and walk through. I suspect you are embracing the valid anger and that is the only way to avoid getting trapped by it. Yes!
Rebecca said…
Wow, thank you so much!
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I shared your post with a group of women after we had a meeting where we discussed courage, anger and other juicy topics which seem so abundant these days. Thank you Rebecca for putting voice to what so many are feeling!
Rebecca said…
Allyson, thanks for connecting. Wonderful to see you here, in the living river of anger that is cutting through the crust of crap in our culture. Basta!