Her Way

In these times that are highlighting the age old second class citizenry of women not only as a group but also as individuals who dare to transgress culturally imposed norms it is refreshing to see limit busters, whose in your face action, even anger, are willing to step out despite ridicule and be ferociously themselves. Allie Keiffer is one of those women. There is much to like about her and this article in main stream journalism. More women are confronting the cultural myth that only by diminishing our physical size and emotional expression are we acceptable.

Then there's my latest read on female rage and anger, excellent so far, Good and Mad by Rebecca Traister.

This is feeling more personal to me in that I've recently abandoned tango because I simply can't participate in the misogynistic culture any longer though I love the art form. When title nine comes to tango, I may be back. 

I long for an egalitarian, improvisational, creative dance expression which I found in my class in Berlin but which I cannot find in the American version of Argentine Tango even in liberal Humboldt, Portland, or Berkeley where sexism and ageism remain alive on the dance floor.
