Glean Gene

I've surely got a double dose of the gene that loves collecting free and or used stuff to use again.

I'm on a glean spree, having found great sources of all the materials I need for sheet mulching, card board, manure, wood chips readily available for the taking and I am covering my place in readiness for spring planting a new orchard, native hedgerow, front yard native bed, and doing in the lawn.

Spelling it out makes me realize the enormity of the project but the truth is I love the heavy physical labor of collecting, prepping, and spreading materials, and the race is on while the weather is good. Once the piles get wet it will be a whole new level of work.

Yesterday I collected beautiful composted zoo poo, and what a treat that is, though wetter and heavier that other materials so a workout too.

I am a happy farmer with a multipurpose farm vehicle that fits a bale of straw or 15 full bags of material.
