Facing Into - November 25, 2013

First shaky day on the water in a proper scull, and it was not pretty, dry at least but awkward. When I learned the maneuvering stroke to move toward the stern (backward for the boat, forward for me) I suddenly felt huge relief, the novelty of moving in the direction of my visual field. But alas this is opposite to how the scull is designed.

So contemplating whether I am going to commit to learn this skill I am having to face not only the cold water, other boats on the water, my own ineptness, long learning curve, inherent instability of the craft, but more that anything else, the fact that I'll be moving fast backward and afraid to turn my head due to tipping risk.

Yup, I'm beginning to see the metaphor here, and it's really forcing me to face my own fear and move into the truly invisible unknown. It makes it very real. Calls forth a lot of trust.
