Linked in Absurdity - September 28, 2014

Just when I vowed to go on a complete reading and opinion diet, including  my own, Albert Camus landed in my inbox and is irresistible. Just a couple of the quotes that resonate:

The world itself is not reasonable, this is all that can be said. But what is absurd is the confrontation of this irrational and wild longing for clarity whose call echoes in the human heart. The absurd depends as much on man as on the world. For the moment it is all that links them together.

Understand this: we can despair of the meaning of life in general, but not of the particular forms that it takes; we can despair of existence, for we have no power over it, but not of history, where the individual can do everything.  It is individuals who are killing us today. Why should not individuals manage to give the world peace? We must simply begin without thinking of such grandiose aims.

Thank you, Albert.

Soul Collage
