Day Before the March - September 20, 2014

A truly memorable day:

The morning view from my airbnb home in Brooklyn.
Breakfast here in trendy Williamsberg, Brooklyn, followed by a quick look at the nearby farmers' market - almost nothing organic and plastic bags all over the place. Yikes!

Janet, they need you here!

 Endless subway rides and yes those are police. 

The amazing Jay, from Humboldt County, who is a national divestment genius and activist!

The really big and radical show of:
Chris Hedges
Naomi Klein
moderator from WNYC
Bill McKibben
Kshama Sawant
Bernie Sanders - not pictured

Beautiful subway music on the way home.

What I learned today:

1) getting arrested in a civil disobedience action in this town is a BIG deal.
2) we have far to go in everyday green sensibility.
3) I am grateful for young courageous activists.
4) I have about 200,000 wonderful new friends.
5) street musicians are as beautiful as flowers.
6) the term "socialist" is no longer an epithet but worn loud and proud by caring people.
7) In order to change everything, it will take everyone!
