Existentialing - July 22, 2016

The more I read and probe, question and observe, the less I find those whose deeply held perspectives on "why things are the way they are" resonate with me. Is it possible that the older I get the less I know, at least trust as being reliable? I used to add in the word grounded here, but am feeling now that even grounding is not reliable, is even meaningless in our kind of a universe.

It's a funny floaty feeling, Alone in the not adhereing to a particular belief system - though obviously there are many practical belief systems at work in day to day life - economics, rules of law and governance, yet these are constructed and not foundational. It's that foundational, root causal exploration that continuously gnaws at me and I'm beginning to feel that the gnawing may finally break the tether and let this imagination float free. I'm hoping for relief in that event.

Even the paintings are discombobulated - little birds mired in chaos.

Acrylic Collage
