Tanda by Tanda - June 26, 2017

Morning Milonga at Burning Tango
Another successful alternative tango practica in Humboldt and we are feeling good. Many juicy tango moments dancing in a relaxed friendly setting. 

I've been contemplating the often quoted adage "tango is better than sex" and wondering why this is so which it can be. One of the things that comes to mind is that because the commitment is so benign one is invited to let go readily and be totally present and available to the moment. There is no after feeling of obligation, shame, guilt, expectation ... only the warm glow of the moment, followed by a simple "thank you" and moving to the next dance. 

When one is asked to dance, the contract is for one series of songs lasting around 10 minutes, called a tanda. So the obligation is simply tanda by tanda and surprise and intrigue is available many times during a practica or milonga. There are no guarantees that a tanda will be a splendid one based on previous experience with a partner, dance skill level (which can be helpful but can also get in the way), or effort expended. The best correlation I have noticed is a willingness to fall into the moment and be taken and surprised by it, to be vulnerable and available to the experience without expectation.
