Barriers - September 16, 2017

This owl was rescued successfully.
I seem to be bumping into new, frustrating barriers at every turn, many technological, all minor in the big picture but thwarting my will and making me say "oh well, can't deal with this right now". 

Some will make it, some won't.
I wasn't able to follow through as my usual uber responsible self in an activity today and have had to live with the consequences of the dissonance that brings to me, and it's just another example of what seems to be playing out - "OK, let's see what she does with this curve ball, now this, good she's breaking down, slowing down ... stopped. Right where she needs to be - flat out in a puddle in the back yard" - yet it's a warm, sunny, lovely day, comfortable, serene, her stomach is full, all needs are met, and there she rests - blocked, stuck, and at peace.
