Endarkening - September 14, 2017

I am steeped in reading an extremely dark book that I don't recommend by Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker, called Savage Grace. Although it contains much that I appreciate, the extremeness of the dark is of questionable utility. I am persisting, however, because it's leading me to things I want to consider, like the honest to goodness reality that we may indeed off our species in pretty short order, which has a specific term - Near Time Human Extinction - NTHE, new to me. This led me to "hopium", the drug most of us are addicted to in response to such considerations.

But the real thing is that we all live with knowing that we'll die, and knowing that our species, and every other species will also end. So it's more like looking a metastatic cancer diagnosis in the face - dark night of the globe, the bringing of the possibility into the near term. And of course they also focus on how does one live with such possibility, which is the real crux. There is much to ponder in this even without accepting all of the likelihoods presented. 

And so in this time of slowing down, letting go, not knowing what's next for me, there is space for exploring dark places, dark emotions, shadow life and it seems to be where I am called. 

Also space to just be outdoors enjoying the red backed beetle walking on my arm.

Yes, that's good old Kali.
