Out of Step

This just should not be ... and whenever I say or think that I argue with reality and, bingo, I lose. Another example of marching to the wrong drum. 

We are canvassing for Josh Harder in Modesto in the Central Valley, semi-desert, where water issues are top of the political concerns. And what do I find as I leave behind my brown unwatered lawn, but green, lush, and thick grass, soggy with water from the night time built in auto sprinklers, all surrounded by plantings of thirsty shrubs and flowers. Everywhere we walk this appears to be the norm.

Many houses are huge boxes, air-conditioned for months of the year. All completely unsustainable, and yet this seems to be the baseline expectation in defense of the American Dream, I suppose. I seem to be feeling daily more estranged from the world I inhabit, my thoughts incongruent with the zeitgeist.
