Love is the Answer - October 28, 2011

The mainstream media is challenged by making meaning of the Occupy movement, in spite of simple declarative signs posted throughout the encampments, gentle, earnest people willing to engage in conversation, and obvious action throughout the sites, such as feeding anyone who asks, providing first aid and libraries with reading space, open meetings with posted minutes on the Internet, and encouraging participation by anyone including setting up their own activity. The consensus meeting rules are posted and meetings are open and transparent.

I’ve now spent some time at Occupy Calgary, Victoria, and recently Vancouver. I am struck by the open hearted youth, some of whom have jobs, but come and participate in the interstices of those, and others who are working at occupy, and believe me, making sense of a big pile of outrage at what is, is very hard work.

Yesterday Andrew Harvey spoke at Vancouver Occupy and stated that he believes that Teilhard de Chardin’s  prediction that once we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, we will have discovered fire. Discovering a new physics and way of being will not happen tidily in sound bites for 90 second news reports.

I notice that younger people seem to grasp this notion without difficulty, being open to possibility, but many older ones are rigid in their dogma and belief and can’t conceive of a new order of doing things, never mind a new power and physics. Some elders declare a loud “no” to a possibility that hasn’t even had time to cohere into a mission statement. This can only come from fear of change which is a very sad place to live.

There seems to be the beginnings of organization on a large scale, across movements, which will be a first and extremely important step in the evolution of the movement.

Vancouver Occupier
