Catching the Spirit

A day spent in churches began at the First Corinthian Baptist Church in Harlem where I nearly went down to get baptized, so moved was I by the spirit and music of the place. This context is where Christianity is alive for me,  palpable and real,  fueled by high octane juicy moving song.  It was the exercise portion of the day, full body participation. Too sacred to photograph.

Marie Caruso leading Angelica

Next I attended my sister in law friend's concert of women singing songs composed by women and it was thrilling. It felt as if angels touched their toes to the ground just enough for sound to penetrate. They are Angelica. I was lifted gently by the grace of tender precise harmony and moved deeply by their sonority and tonal melding. They are the reason I came to NYC.

 And finally an organ and choral concert featuring Renee Luprette, organist and new wife of my brother in law. She is a powerful player unperturbed by the difficulty of the feat and the level of musicianship of singers and orchestra was just tops.

It was a musical feast, a glory of sound on a religiously experiential scale. Whew, floated home.
