New York Stopover

School Girls on the Upper East Side
Light and music with origami
Enroute to Europe I'm spending close to a week in New York and what a day today.

Warmed up twenty degrees since yesterday, thank goodness, and still not hot, just pleasant. Walking is my theme this trip and covered over 60 blocks today, many of them the long ones between avenues, so I figure around four miles, then up the steep steps of my flat repeatedly- a good workout day.

Dolce and Gabana fantasy outfit
The sights and activities were varied and sweet, and the people have been uniformly kind and helpful, going out of their way to be of assistance and leaving me astonishingly grateful.

Chuck Close tile art in my subway station
 Not to mention a Broadway production of King Lear featuring Glenda Jackson as Lear and a splendid on stage string quartet playing original Philip Glass music for this production which was completely stunning.
