Coming Soon ... - October 27, 2017

Reading Timothy Snyder's book On Tyranny: Twenty Lesson from the Twentieth Century is of course sobering and the reason I find myself reading such a thing is because I am feeling the inevitable march in this direction deep in my bones. 

It's a brief work by a Yale Professor of History with general suggestions of how we the people can comport ourselves in resistance as we see the destruction of our governmental institutions, the rotting from within which is systematically occurring as we scoff at Trump for "not getting anything done in congress". 

As one reviewer suggested, you might want to read it in hard copy, outdoors, where no one can track what you are reading, how long on each page, etc., like the Germans who used to go to the Tiergarten forest paths to have conversations.

It's time to stop laughing and joking about the guy who is meanwhile driving us to the end of democracy.
