Bubble Woman - November 13, 2016

Michael Moore pointed out that I'm living in a liberal bubble ... and he is correct. My facebook feed is an echo chamber of people who voted the same as I did and share liberal opinions - alarmingly self righteous ones. There were two imperfect choices, yet we hold Trump voters responsible for supporting everything that came out of his mouth - which I don't believe most voters do. Just as I had real differences with significant parts of Hillary's candidacy.  I know no one well who admits to voting for Trump. That means I am distant from 38% of my community and don't know their lives or personal motivations directly.

This is living an encapsulated, restricted life. On my recent travels in Europe I may have had more in common with the people I met in the urban culture there than with my rural neighbors who voted differently.

I have much to learn and hope that I will seriously attend to this. I am sick of yacking about being outraged, I need to make an effort to understand the other and to stop demonizing them for their forced choice. I'm not speaking about the extremists. This project may take more courage than fighting and resisting the movement. It is certainly against the popular tide.
