Settling - October 4, 2015

On our return to Rome for another couple of weeks we suddenly felt tired of being busy voyeuristic tourists and wanting to settle, so we switched up our days. 

I went for a long walk/run along the Tiber in the morning, a quiet heaven just a staircase away from noise and mayhem - but few seem to notice it. I came upon scullers, all manner of ancient bridges, fishermen, lovers, dogs, cyclists, runners, all in small numbers. I felt like I could breathe again, like there was space for the me-ness of me here. Ahh ....

Then we started our about town time later and limited it to one enlivening venue where old met new in surprising, uplifting ways. I left the Jean Arp Retrospective in the Dioclitian Baths rejuvenated instead of exhausted. The curating was brilliant throughout the show and museum, and what a difference that makes.

Arp in front of ruins.

Ancient mosaics under the central floor
