The New Hood under Full Moon - October 15, 2016

Our new home in the Left Bank, St. Germain area is delicious and feeding our souls ... completely. Tiny student sized apartment looking across roof tops to full moon tonight after sumptuous Bach cello suites in a local tiny ancient church, now a cultural music haven, was followed by a meal at home of three cheeses recommended by a young man at the fromagarie, with bread from boulangarie, local fruits, and wine. Another culture that takes eating seriously. Yummmm..... Bach and Bacchus are a good collaboration.

Following a moonlit walk along the Seine the feeling is one of lightness, uplifting ... letting go of the eons of tragic Roman history. Ahh ... 

Now all I need to do is stick with the wine, and not look at election news.

full moon and Notre Dame de Paris
